The project was scheduled for two years and was extended for an additional 9-month period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We managed to participate successfully in all mobilities (3 physical in Spain, Heraklion and Poland + 1 virtual from Chania).
All the students involved undertook the implementation of the mobility which included the 9 structured activities including history, culture, technology, sports , social issues (stereotypes) and environmental issues. Our students have come into contact with others from other countries, have seen other educational systems, other ways of living, other cultures that will allow them to have a better understanding of the European Union.
The main achievement was establishing a partnership based on developing and applying the transfer of good
practices between four schools. The students learned to cooperate with each other and students from partner schools, they expanded their knowledge of living in foreign countries and adjusted their world view regarding foreign traditions and customs. They also honed their language, their presentation and addressing audiences skill, needed for the dissemination of the project.
At the application stage, we wanted students to be in a multicultural environment, so that they will eliminate myths about other countries and will learn to open their minds to other people and to acquire an awareness and deeper global understanding of other cultures. The project also enabled students to develop their capacity to overcome failure, to promote success, self-confidence, self-esteem, participatory spirit, social acceptance and overall basic skills Objectives were indeed achieved in the highest degree.
In the first mobility, some students from Heraklion hesitated, because they did not want to be hosted in partner students home but preferred to stay in a hotel. When the students that were selected came back they recounted their experience with such feelings of achievement, that they turned other students minds around and they an overwhelming number of applications for participation in the next phases of the project.
We helped students improve and acquire language skills that will enable them to become proficient speakers and achieve better communication objectives. All of the students involved manage to enhance their language ability. Most notable mention goes to one Greek student who was such an introvert on the first mobility that his host student was not pleased – we gave him a second chance in our host mobility and he developed into an extrovert and gracious host.
It was an amazing experience for both students and teachers, it improved our European dimension in the local area and it changed the way of thinking of students and people involved in the project.