27th January

ENTHUTIASTIC WELCOME AT THE FIRST TRANSNATIONAL MEETING P2EU We have our reporters team on the run. Everyday in this week during this first transnational meeting Passport To Europe, somebody from our team will summarize the highlights of the day. What has happened today is huge: the connection between students has been immediate, welcoming is a pleasure. Too much and too good. Here is the summary of our reporters with some pictures. 27th January. We have welcomed today the students who are taking part in this first transnational meeting. Students from Poland arrived at highschool about 17:30. Regardless they were hosting students or not, all of them were there to welcome the Polish group. Everyone was excited. Some pictures were taken before going into the Assembly Hall, where the whole project was introduced and some games were played as ice-breakers. Later, the Family Association organized a snack, We could have some food and drinks at the same time we were listening to some music. It was such a great time that we ended up dancing some traditional Greek music.

28th January

SET OF ACTIVITIES IN OUR SECOND DAY All of our activities are on the run. It is a busy day: the deputy mayor welcomes us all at the Town Hall, Spanish students become tour guides in the city, hosting families invite us to lunch some paella, the hastag and logo contest take place and the first teachers meeting occurs where they express “the bar is too high”. The organization was so carefully planned that even little improvisations seemed prepared in advance. Yet this is just the beginning… This is what one of the students of the reporter team has written about the day: Just to start the day with our visitors students from Greece and Poland, the team formed by Carla Alañón, Gema Andujar, Víctor Lope and Paula Alonso, students of Eloísa, have presented what the day was going to be about. They talked about an activity that they had preparing the last three months: getting to know the city guided by the own students, who for one day, become tourist guides! Afterwards, some passports with all the activities of the project have been handed to visitor students, one for each, and they have been explained that after every activity of the project, that passport would be properly stamped. The project of the tourist guides consisted on visiting the main four interesting places in Guadalajara. Students have done their research about these places. Students were split into five different groups comprising all nationalities. In 5 different groups, students were walking from one place to another headed by a tourist guide who explained in detail every aspect of the places they visited. In order not to be all students together, as we are a huge group, every guide awaited a group of students as they were all visiting one different place at the same time. Just before the city tour we went to the Town Hall, where the deputy mayor has welcomed us all and some videos have been played where we could see how the Spanish students have been working all the previous weeks before the transnational meeting, as well as some videos of the city. Every student has been given some presents to keep at the meeting hall, the place where all the important decisions concerning the city take place. After some spare time of about 15 minutes we got back to the Town Hall. Once there, we could start our city guide tour! Everybody had to visit every place, so at the same time some were at the Concordia Park, others were at Cotilla palace, some others at Alvarfáñez Tower or the Infantado palace, so that everyone could have the chance to see everything without having to wait for other group of students to come out. At every place, the guide explained something about it and later a little game was played: ability, speed, logic, drama improvisations… Once the tourist guide finished, we got back to highschool. Some took some rest while others played football at the playground, waiting for the food to be ready. Most visitors student have enjoyed the typical paella, organized by our families, let’s see if they try to cook it once they get back to their countries or at least talk about it! After some rest, where we basically spent some time together, we went to the Assembly Hall to decide in a contest that seemed to be Eurovision both the hashtag and logo of our project. Students from Chania got the most number of votes to become the winners for the logo they designed whereas students from Iraklio have won the hashtag contest. It was great the voting process, everyone cheered and yelled! After the contest, we have had some free time to go to the shopping mall by bus while the teachers had their meeting. We were exhausted by the time we got home! It was a great experience that nobody will ever forget. We hope everyone has enjoyed the activities prepared by our classmates!

LOGO CONTEST: PASSPORT TO EUROPE HAS A WINNER LOGO We finally have the logo for the project Passport to Europe. Each of the four partnership centers have designed the logos, two per center were previously chosen to bring them up for the logo and hashtag contest held yesterday at the Assembly Hall of Aguas Vivas, a part of the activities carried out in the first Transnational meeting.

29th January


It’s the day of the Charity Race Erasmus + cofounded by the European Union. The students have been in charge of setting the race, the T-shirts pattern, the numbers, asking for legal permissions (police, Town Hall…), making sure that the police will take care of the event… Ana Lozano, sportswoman awarded with some national and international trophies has attended the event and talked to the students about the importance of sport and has handed the medals to the winners. A member of the regional committee of judges and representative of Guadalajara, Jose Luis Oses, has made his contribution at the finish line and controlling the start. T-shirts with the logo of the school, Erasmus and European Union have been handed. Solidary payment has been collected and given to the Association Criscancer, who will build some room at the Hospital of La Paz for those children who suffer from cancer.


The Olympic Games. Both male and female winners of the popular charity race in the morning have walked to the Sports Centre Multiusos de Aguas Vivas holding the Olympic Torch followed by the rest of sportsmen and sportswomen belonging to other countries. This has been the next activity organized by the students of Aguas Vivas; The Olympics Games where no little detail was missing; the Torch, the mascot “Passportin” (in reference to the project Passport to Europe), the Olympic Flame, badges for each country (the students who belonged to Italy were portrayed with a pizza, the Irish a shamrock, the Norwegians a salmon, the Portuguese a cock…) painted faces with the proper flags, yellow chest guards for the staff, the hymn written and sang by one of the student, medals and some other prizes designed by the own students and, of course, the highly competitive games…

30th January


What an intense and funny day. So was the 30th January of this transnational Passport to Europe of KA229. Everything started from the peace of the mindfulness session in English at the gym of the school. From then on, the rhythm went up and up. All schools have presented the educational systems of each country, with videos and presentations of each school. All these materials have been designed by the students, who also explained to the rest of peers at the Assembly Hall. Afterwards, action really began. The activity about stereotypes of the three countries to which the four centers of this partnership belong has been developed so well. The students were divided into groups. They all had banners with the names of the three countries: Greece, Poland and Spain. They had to decide to which countries belonged some given stereotypes and rise the banners when they decided so…. Sometimes, they had to act up, for example at the stereotype “who dances the best?” the flags of Greece and Spain were risen. This way, teachers and students had to prove who really did better. Typical Spanish and Greek dances were performed and everyone ended up dancing Macarena or Paquito Chocolatero… We were having such a great time that we had to make a train to get everyone out of the room! The next stop took us to the Assembly Hall of the General Administration of Education in Guadalajara. Alicia Morales welcomed us in and projected a movie that the students had made, It was very exciting to show the hard work of the previous months that took the writing and acting of the video of the history in Spain in a movie of twenty minutes length. Spanish history was told in a very funny way. After so many emotions we had the chance to spend a free time evening…. In the midst of transnational week we can say we are proud of the work we have done and how things are going.

31st January


January is coming to its end and the students of Passport to Europe shows their last activities. Let’s say we talk about Madrid. We visit the cultural heritage guided by our students, one more time serving as tourist guides explaining the why Plaza Mayor or Cibeles are worth the visit. Afterwards, what a better way of knowing the works of Padro museum than that of an active way? a gymkhana has been organized by the own students that takes their Polish and Greek peers through the corridors of the museum. One of the students report: “Today we’ve been in Madrid. In the morning we toured around the city. We have visited Cibeles, Plaza Mayor, Callao, Plaza de la Independencia and Gran Vía. After the tour, we went walking along the Retiro and finally to the Prado museum. We have done a gymkhana there. Once in the museum, we divided into six groups to take part in this activity. We came out at seven. It was such a great time!”

1st February


Glorious closing day of the first transnational meeting of KA229 Passport to Europe. Our friends from Skala, Iraklio and Chania have loved the typical chocolate con churros this morning. It was necessary to take some energy for the Cyberhelpers session organized by our team. These students have made an impressive blog about cyberbullying that the rest of partners can use to add their videos, articles and suggestions… It’s worth the visit to since it is the result of many people involved in the classroom. With these presentations, videos, resources and games the students have revised concepts, attitudes, preventions and actions to be taken related to cyberbullying. After this, the students in charge of the activity of “growing the seeds of Europe” have brought to the Assembly Hall the flower pots that have been made. One more time, they have divided into groups of different nationalities and some seeds of the different countries have been planted. They will grow up at school as a symbol of union between these three countries through this project. At the same time, we all painted a huge picture with a tree pattern with everyone’s hands. This picture is to be placed in the Area Erasmus+ that has been created at school and set up with furniture with the funds of Europe. Today all passports of visiting students have been stamped. These passports were given the first day and each time an activity was finished, the corresponding page of the passport was stamped to prove they participate in it. They were all excited about finishing the activities and keeping the passport as a memory or souvenir. Later, teachers held their second transnational meeting concerning assessment and coordination of the project. Later, a farewell party with DJ was prepared. Greek dances, Macarena, good vibes and mood were there too! A student reported: “Today we have done a lot of things. First of all we have had a typical Spanish breakfast, churros with chocolate. Later Javi’s class have done a cyberbullying presentation with some activities. Continuing  we had an activity planting seeds and plants. At the end we have had a last party for our friends of other countries”.

2nd February

“WE’LL MISS YOU, SEE YOU SOON” 1st February. Goodbye, not farewell. Nobody wanted to say good bye today. In tears, in arms, with all the affection of the bonds that have been tied…Hosting families saying that this has been a wonderful experience. Students from Greece and Poland expressing that they felt like home. All Spanish students feeling this experience has been really touching. Teachers proud to see the outcome of all the previous effort. The best assessment, the hands that held strong, hugs no meaning to end. Some didn’t want to go. Others didn’t want them to leave. Someone said: “We´ll miss you. Seeyousoon”